BlogTube is a Professional Responsive Video Blogger Template
designed for video sites, video blog video portal. This template will
help you to setup a professional video site quickly. It is inspired by
popular websites including YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. No two
opinions to say that it is the most powerful Video Blogger theme ever.
It is fast, responsive, minimal and packed with tons of features
required to set up a professional video site.
Features of BlogTube Professional Video Template:
Responsive Design:
It is highly responsive, which means it supports the majority of screen
High quality and normal screen resolutions. We have tested it on iPad,
iPhone, Android and other similar devices. It gives just perfect
Auto YouTube and Dailymotion Thumbs:
We have developed a script that fetches thumbnails of your videos
automatically. Which means, you don’t have to upload images to show
thumbs at home and other pages. This feature saves a lot of your time
and provide a lot of comfort.
Featured YouTube Videos via Labels:
You can display featured videos on the homepage with the help of
Labels. Note: it only works with YouTube videos, so if you have any
Dailymotion video in the same label then it is less likely to work.
Video Views Counter:
Like every other video hosting site, we have added views counter which
would appear just beneath the videos. It works on pageviews so, whenever
someone would reload the page it would increase the number of views in
the counter.
SEO Friendly:
Most of the video hosting sites are less likely to be Search engine
friendly. Therefore, we have used some of the top notch plugins to
increase and polish its on-page SEO.
More Features:
Magazine Style, Multi-Drop Down Menu, white color scheme, threaded
commenting system, 3 column footer, 2 column template and much more.
Template Customization Instructions:
How to Add Videos?
To show videos, you have to copy and paste
the Video embed URL in your posts. However, it only supports automatic
thumbs feature for YouTube and Dailymotion.
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="320" src="" width="100%">
How to Add Description in Videos:?
In your videos you might notice a text
called "Description"? Well, we have added a technique through which you
can show the meta description of you videos not only to search engines
but also to the human visitors. To enable this feature go to Blogger ›› Settings ›› Search preferences ›› Description ›› Yes ›› Save.
Now while writing new posts make sure to add "Search Description" to show it in your posts as well.
How to Customize Video Slider:
This video slider supports Vimeo and YouTube videos. To customize this slider, go to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML and search for the following piece of code:
<ul id='mbl_playlist'>
Now on finding the above code you will
notice a couple of Vimeo Video URL, replace them with either Vimeo video
URL or YouTube video URL and save your template.
How to Customize Feature Label Area:
The first thing you need to do is to go to ›› Your site ›› Layout ›› Add a Gadget ›› Add HTML/JavaScript and paste the following code in the HTML Text box.
<script style='text/javascript'>var numposts = 4;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = false;var displayseparator = false;var showcommentnum = false;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = false;var numchars = 75;</script><script src='/feeds/posts/summary/-/Feature?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentpostswiththumbs'></script>
Now either replace "Feature"
from the following coding to a keyword that you want to use as a Label
so show up posts in this featured area. On second thoughts, you can tag
your posts with "Feature" label and those posts would start appearing.
Note: This feature only works with YouTube Videos.
After releasing Videoism, we got thunderous
requests from our users to develop a professional theme for Video based
sites, so this theme is a reflection of all those requests. We hope
this template would fulfill all the needs which were asked by our users.
Do let us know your thoughts about it.
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